Info |
When creating a request, the users cannot request with a total number of days greater than the remaining leave days. |
1.1 Create a leave request on the My Leave tab
Go to tab Leave > My Leave Leaves > Request Leave
The users must choose a range of times for his/her leave. Choose leave type and approver as well.
Here is the leave requests list:
1.2 Request Leaves from the Schedule Board
Otherwise, users can also create a leave request from the Schedule board. Follow these steps:
Step 1: Go to the Schedule tab
Step 2: Click on the White space of a specific day you want to take a leave
Step 3: Choose a time range for your leave > Select Leave Type > Choose Approver > Note (optional)
Step 4: Click on Submit
2. How to Edit, Cancel or Recall Your Previous Leave Request
2.1 Edit / Cancel your leave request
Info |
The users only can |
edit or |
remove a request with a pending status. |
Otherwise, users can also create a leave request from the Schedule board
To create a To Edit / Cancel your leave request, go to the My Leaves tab:
Click on the Edit icon to make a change to your leave request: the number of taken days, leave type, or approvers.
Click on the Trash icon to cancel your request.
2.2 Recall your leave request
Info |
The users only can recall a request with an approved status. |
To recall the leave request, go to Schedule the My Leaves Tab > Click on the specific date > Request LeaveRecall button.