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panelIconId | atlassian-note |
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Smart Values {} Smart Values allow you to dynamically insert information into your Jira issue. By clicking on the Smart Values button (denoted by {} ), you will see a dialog that shows compatible smart values based on your rule as well as all available smart values. Compatible Smart Values: These are values that can be used in the context of your current rule and provide relevant information based on the trigger or action you are configuring. All Smart Values: This option lists all available smart values, which can be used for various purposes across different triggers and actions.
Overdue/Expiration Resource Smart Values: provides specific details regarding resources that are checked for overdue or expiration statuses. Here are the four key smart values related to this functionality: Overdue/Expiration Resource - Name Smart Value: {{expirationResource.name}} Description: This smart value returns the name of the resource (assets or licenses) that will be overdue, expired, or terminated. Example: If the resource is an asset named ‘Laptop,' this smart value will display the asset’s name.
Overdue/Expiration Resource - Days to Expiry Smart Value: {{expirationResource.daysToExpiry}} Description: This smart value returns the number of days remaining until the resource expires, becomes overdue, or being terminated. Example: If a license will expire in 5 days, this smart value will display '5.'
Overdue/Expiration Resource - Field Smart Value: {{expirationResource.resourceField}} Description: This smart value returns the field name of the resource that will be overdue, expired, or terminated. Example: If the resource is an asset with an 'Expiration Date' field, this smart value will display 'Expiration Date.'
Overdue/Expiration Resource - Resource Type Smart Value:{{expirationResource.resourceType}} Description: This smart value returns the type of resource that will be overdue, expired, or terminated. Example: If the resource is categorized as an asset, this smart value will display 'Asset.'
Creator{{creator.displayName}} : is used to reference the user who created the rule. This can be particularly useful in automating notifications or including creator details in the issue description or summary.
A condition is a set of criteria that must be satisfied for an action to be executed after a trigger is activated. Conditions help refine the scope of the automation rule, ensuring actions occur only under specific circumstances.
List of Conditions in AssetIT: