At the AssetIT sidebar, go to Components. This will take you to the Components page, which showcases a list of componentsWhat are Components? Components in AssetIT are individual items that make up a larger asset. Examples include hardware components like Hard Disk Drives (HDDs), RAM, processors, or any other parts that are integral to an asset’s functionality. Unlike licenses or accessories, components are directly linked to physical assets rather than users.
1. Bulk Action
The Bulk Action button allows you to perform actions on multiple components at once by:
Select components: Check the boxes next to the components you want to manage from the accessory component list.
Click on the Bulk Action dropdown menu: Choose one of the following actions and click the
button to proceed.
accessory component names quickly.
Search: Use this button to find specific components byaccessory component list.
Refresh: Click this button to update and reload theaccessory component list view by hiding, showing, or reordering columns. Hide All, Show All, or Reset Order are also available.
Column: This button allows you to customize the
accessory component list to full screen.
Full Screen: Click this button to expand theaccessory component data as a PDF or CSV file. You can choose to export all components or just the selected ones.
Export: Use this button to download theShow/Hide Filters: This button activates the advanced filter options for columns.