Welcome to the Team Member's Guide for TeamBoard ProScheduler!
page will help you quickly get started with using ProScheduler effectively to manage your tasks, organize schedules, and collaborate with your team.
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As team members, you can access the app via the menu by selecting Apps → 'TeamBoard ProScheduler.' The Other way: Upon installation, you can access The TeamBoard Project within the Jira project by navigating to the bottom left and selecting 'TeamBoard' |
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As a team member, you can update your profile information including Department, Position, Technical Skills, etc. To update your Profile → Go to the ProSchduler app → Navigate to the Settings tab → Select My Settings → then update your profile → click on Save settings to apply the changes. |
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Use the Schedule Board in TeamBoard to efficiently organize your daily, weekly, or monthly tasks and events according to your working capacity or time-off request. To plan your scheduling → Access to the Schedule board within TeamBoard In this board, you can plan New Tasks directly or manage Existing Tasks from Jira.
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Balancing your workload is crucial for productivity and efficiency. Use the Workload View to see how your time is distributed across tasks and projects. To access this view, go to the Workload button. If you are overloaded or underutilized, you can adjust tasks to balance your workload. |
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If you need a complete overview of your tasks for the month, utilize the Calendar View in TeamBoard ProScheduler. This view automatically syncs data from your Schedule Board, giving you an up-to-date snapshot of your tasks. To access this view, simply navigate to the Calendar tab.
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The Timeline or Gantt Chart view helps you track and manage your tasks in relation to the overall project timeline.
You can switch between these views based on your needs, and if desired, you can hide one of the views by clicking the icon.
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This feature allows you to track the actual time spent on an issue and record it directly in your work log. To log time, go to the Timelog tab → If you have scheduled tasks in the period just simply enter the time and click log to log your time.
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Want to learn more details about user guide? Read the full User Guide here. |
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