Planning Time Off

Planning Time Off

Planning Time Off

In TeamBoard ProScheduler, Time Off allows users to schedule and manage periods when team members are unavailable for work. This can include vacations, personal leave, or any other type of absence.

To plan a Time Off, on the scheduler click on a specific date to open the planning dialog > select the 'Time Off' tab.

  1. Total hour(s): Enter the total number of hours for the time off

  2. Date: Select the specific date for the time off using the date picker.

  3. Add multiple days: If you need to add time off for multiple dates, click the Screenshot 2024-10-25 at 13.27.24.png button to add additional days.

  4. Leave types: Choose the type of leave from the dropdown menu (e.g., Paid vacation, Sick leave, etc.). (To update the leave types, please visit here)

  5. Notes: Optionally, add any notes or comments about the time off for further clarification.

Once all fields are filled out, click the Add button to create the time off and this will schedule the time off in the calendar

TBPS_ TimeOff.png

To edit or delete a Time Off entry, simply hover over it on the board.

Screenshot 2024-10-25 at 13.39.50.png

Time Off Setting:

Note: Only administrators have permission to configure for time off settings below.

Allowing Members to Manage Time Off

To enable members to create, edit, and delete their Time Off, go to 'General' > 'Settings' and enable this option.

Setting Leave Types

To set up Leave Types in TeamBoard ProScheduler, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Settings > select Timeoff.

  2. On the Leave types page, click the Add new link at the top.

  3. In the Add new form, input the leave type details such as:

    1. Name: The name of the leave (e.g., Paid vacation, Sick leave).

    2. Description: Optional description of the leave type.

    3. Pay percentage: Define the pay percentage for the leave (e.g., 100%, 0% for unpaid leave).

    4. Color: Assign a color to visually differentiate this leave type on the calendar.

  4. Once you've filled out the details, save the new leave type.

  5. To make adjustments to an existing leave type, click Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 16.37.26.png to edit or click Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 16.37.15.png to remove a leave type


DevSamurai - Team Unified Stronger