
Hot fix: Can't plan issue when turning on mapping Jira fields on version 2.6.0

New features

  • Ability to map Jira fields with the Datetime field type


  • Improve logging time for tasks and events

  • Improve permissions for creating, editing, and deleting a team

  • Email improvements

  • Title correction for the new leave request modal

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: Inability to delete resource rate in profile

  • Addressed issue of non-working days included in the cost tab

  • Fixed: Day off not displayed when approved

  • Fixed: Incorrect navigation when clicking the notification

  • Fixed: Disappearance of resources in the group resource rate

  • Fixed: Old resource rate disappearance when another is added

  • Fixed: Miscalculations in workload

  • Fixed: Incorrect data in the Excel file after exporting

  • Fixed: Inability to remove a rejected leave request

  • Fixed: Timesheet approval differs from Timelog

  • Fixed: The deleting method doesn't work in Fields data

  • Fixed: Blank chart when using the condition view in the report

  • Fixed: Unable to search for this issue

  • Fixed: Remaining Estimate in the detail tooltip displays incorrect values

DevSamurai - Team Unified Stronger