Color Schemes

Color Schemes

The color scheme determines the default color of a task when it is planned on the scheduler, and how it appears on the Timeline or Gantt.

Administrators have the ability to select the method Resource or JQL configuration which allowing for a more personalized and customizable experience.

resource color scheme

To create a new scheme, simply click the color circle and select your desired color. To add people to the scheme, click the "+" button and enter their names. Please note that each user can only be added to one scheme.

If a user is not added to any scheme, they will automatically use the default scheme. The admin has the option to mark one scheme as the default for easy reference.

Go to AppsProScheduler and find SettingsColor Schemes → select Resource Method


jql color scheme

Customize the color scheme configuration for the issue card using JQL. Allowing for a more personalized and intuitive visual representation of tasks.

Go to AppsProScheduler and find SettingsColor Schemes → select JQL Method

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DevSamurai - Team Unified Stronger