1.1. Overview

1.1. Overview

Assets in AssetIT are key items tracked via serial numbers or asset tags, serving as central items in AssetIT. All other resources can link to assets, and assets can also be interconnected.

An asset is a broad term that can refer to any main object that needs to be tracked and managed. It could be a laptop, a server, or even a bike. This allows AssetIT to adapt to the unique needs of any industry, whether you're managing IT equipment, vehicles, or specialized machinery.

At the AssetIT sidebar, go to Assets. This will take you to the Assets page, which showcases a list of assets.

Click on the asset name to view its details.

1. Asset Categorization

You can easily switch between tabs to view assets based on their current status. Here's what each tab means:

  • All Assets: This tab shows all assets that have been created/imported to the system.

  • All Deployed: This tab shows all assets that are currently in use and can be checked in.

  • All Deployable: This tab includes assets that are ready and available for use. These assets are in good condition and can be assigned as needed.

  • All Pending: This tab displays assets that are not yet ready for use. These might be waiting for maintenance, repairs, or other updates before they can be deployed.

  • All Archived: Assets in this tab are retired or no longer in use. They are kept here for record-keeping and historical tracking purposes.

  • All Undeployable: This tab lists assets that cannot be assigned because they are damaged, broken, or otherwise unfit for use.

  • Trash: Assets in the trash have been marked for deletion and can be restored or deleted permanently.

2. Toolbar

  • image-20240910-110008.pngSearch: Use this button to quickly find specific assets by asset names, asset tags, etc.

  • image-20240910-110025.png Refresh: Click this button to update and reload the asset list.

  • image-20240910-110043.png Column: This button allows you to customize the asset list view by hiding, showing, or reordering columns. Hide All, Show All, or Reset Order are also available.

  • image-20240910-110105.png Full Screen: Click this button to expand the asset list to full screen.

  • image-20240910-110128.png Export: Use this button to download the asset data as a PDF or CSV file. You can choose to export all assets or just the selected ones.

  • image-20240910-110144.pngShow/Hide Filters: This button activates the advanced filter options for columns.

3. Bulk Actions

The Bulk Action button allows you to perform actions on multiple assets at once by:

  • Select Assets: Check the boxes next to the assets you want to manage from the asset list.

  • Click on the Bulk Action dropdown menu: Choose one of the following actions and click the image-20240911-112517.png button to proceed.

Actions Explained:

1. Edit

  • This allows you to update multiple assets at once.

  • Fill in only the fields that you want to update. If you leave any fields blank, the existing data in those fields will remain the same and will not be changed.

2. Delete:

  • Review the assets that are set for deletion.

  • AssetIT automatically unselects items that are in use or assigned.

  • You can choose to delete items permanently if needed.

  • Deleted items will be moved to the Trash.

3. Checkout:

  • Displays a list of items that are available for checkout.

  • Items that cannot be checked out (due to status or being assigned to someone else) will be disabled.

  • After reviewing, click Next to access the checkout form.

  • Choose the subject for checkout (to a user, another asset, or a location) and fill in the required information.

Assets can be checked out to a user, an asset, or a location.

4. Checkin:

  • Review the items to be checked in.

  • Items that cannot be checked in (e.g., not previously checked out) will be disabled.

  • After reviewing, click Next, select the check-in date, and click Finish.

5. Generate QR Code:

  • Customize the appearance of your QR codes, including options to display a logo.

The logo is customizable in Preferences.

  • After customizing, click Preview to see the QR codes.

  • Download them as a PDF file or print them directly.

6. Verify Custody

  • The interface will display a list of items that will be sent out for verification, including the Asset Name, Asset Tag, and Assignee.

  • After reviewing the selected assets, choose a Due Date for the verification responses and add any notes if necessary.

  • Click “OK” to send out the verification requests to the respective users.

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