View Settings

View Settings

View settings are available in the Timeline / Gantt of ProScheduler





  1. Show completed tickets

Displays tasks or tickets that have been marked as completed.

  1. Column divider

Adds a visual divider between different columns in the gantt.

  1. Highlight day off

Highlight days off (like weekends or holidays) in Gray color on the timeline

  1. Show issue key

Displays the unique identifier (issue key) for each task or ticket

  1. Show issue summary

Shows a brief summary of each task or issue directly in the timeline

  1. Show details tooltip

When hovering over a task, this option provides a tooltip that displays additional information about the task, such as status, assignee, or time remaining.

  1. Show Progress

Displays a visual representation of task progress, allowing users to track how far along each task is toward completion.

  1. Show duration

Shows the total duration of each task on the Gantt.

Screenshot 2024-10-25 at 14.07.53.png
  1. Show issue overdue

Highlight overdue issues.

  1. Mark non-working days

Marks non-working days (such as weekends or holidays) on the timeline

  1. Hide weekend days

Exclude weekends from the Gantt view

  1. Show project duration

Displays the overall duration of the project which displays the total duration of a project based on the earliest start and latest end dates

View settings.png


  • Show completed tickets

  • Column divider: show or not show the divider between columns

  • Highlight day off: Highlight non-working days for clarity

  • Show issue key: show the issue key on the Timeline bar or not

  • Show issue summary: show the issue summary on the bar or not

  • Show details tooltip: the tooltip with all information about the task

  • Show Progress: Indicate task completion progress.

  • Show duration: Display the total duration of tasks.

  • Show issue overdue: Highlight overdue tasks.

  • Mark non-working days: Label non-working days on the calendar

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DevSamurai - Team Unified Stronger